Why telephonic interview is important and how we should handle it in an effective manner?

Most of the companies are screening the candidates via telephonic interviews these days and if they shortlist in the telephonic interview then they give them a call for coming to have face to face interview. A good candidate is able to leave a good impression on telephone interview then only he will be able to come for next round of  interview. In this way both candidates and the company save a lot of Time, Energy and Money of each other. Companies cannot understand the candidates completely over the call but yes definitely they come to know something about each other and decide they should go ahead and discuss the thing in details.

Here are some of the points which can help to understand, how we should handle telephonic interviews;

  1. Timing:

If the candidate has the freedom to decide what should be the time and date for the interview than we should set up the schedule date and time which is convenient to both the interviewer and candidate. Also we should choose a day or time when you will not be distracted or disturbed by the friends/colleagues or family members. Finally, one must not delay the telephonic interview so much as per convenience it is important you fix that day or time which is next possible available for you.


  1. Must have a copy of Resume in front of your eyes:

As you know that the interviewer has only your updated resume with him by which he is going to ask you the questions and try to understand you. So he may ask you some doubts or something about your resume and sometimes you may not able to reminding it that moment, even you know it already. But that time, if you’re not reminding that which you have written on your resume then you are leaving a bad impression in the eye of the interviewer. Lastly, we must always have a pen and paper in front of us while we are having the telephonic interview.

  1. Phone battery and network connectivity

As we know that these days, the interview may be longer for 30 minutes or more than that. So, we never know how long will it take, one must have the good battery in the phone before appearing for telephonic interview. Also keep the charger handy, just in case if the battery drops. If we can use Landline then it is better as it has less disturbance or noise and easy to talk for longer time duration.

  1. Watch your Tone:

As we understand that interview is listening our voice only and making an impression about our personality or our image in his mind. One should know that our voice is our impression over the interviewer, so we should have the interview where they will be very less noise and higher connectivity so that our voice will be clear to the interviewer and very easy to get our idea across in the best possible way.


  1. Study the Basic of company:

Before appearing in the interview, candidate should do good research for the company, prepare your best answers, use proper intonation to sound engaging, use proper salutation as well as greeting. As we know time is important, so you must keep your answers to the point and exaggerate only when it is needed. Also you must have a glass of water beside you and do not chew gum or eat anything during the interview.