Secret Method for a successful interview

Secret Method for a successful interview? 

According to survey and research, Interview is becoming very tough day by day as people are making false commitment and also provide wrong information and fake experience at the time of Interview. So when it comes to work then their performance doesn’t come as per the commitment.

But since company already invested so much of time in the Employee then they give little more time to settle the Employee or to train them but sometimes, due to the wrong hiring companies have to suffer a lot with their Time and Money.

In Today’s era, there will be 3 simple steps for the most effective interview technique.
1. Make the Interview in a Structural way
2. Need to ASK Situational or Behavioural Based Question
3. Always provide the Candidate a work assignment related to their Job

Step No. 1: Make the Interview in a Structural way

First of all, you should always conduct a structured job interview. Why? Because structured job interviews are more efficient than semi-structured or structured interviews when it comes to predicting job performance.
Many survey and researches shows that structured interviews are up to twice as effective at predicting job performance than unstructured ones! Thus, if you want your job interview to be effective and accurately predict job performance, it should be properly structured, methodical and consistent.
In other words, you should prepare interview questions before the interview and ask each of your candidates the same questions in the same order.

Step No. 2: Need to ASK Situational or Behavioural Based Question

The second step in conducting the most effective job interview is to ask the right interview questions. The questions is...what type of interview questions should you ask your job candidates? There are so many different types of job interview questions!

Actually, almost all HR professionals have their own list of what they swear are the best interview questions to ask candidates. Most of these questions are typically related to candidates’ credentials, technical skills, experience and self-evaluations and are used in so-called conventional interviews.

However, research shows that behavioural interviews are more valid and accurate for making hiring decisions. Behavioural interviews are based on the evaluation of candidates’ past behaviours.

In other words, in a behavioural interview, candidates are being asked a specific type of interview questions - so-called behavioural interview questions.

Step No. 3: Always provide the Candidate a work assignment related to their Job

Finally, a third step of the best interview technique is to give your candidates a so-called work assignment. In this part of the interview, you should give your candidates a task similar to the one they wouldd actually be doing in their new job if you hire them.

Most employers skip this step. That is a big mistake because work assignments are the most predictive aspect of the whole recruiting process. Work assignment gives you the chance to directly observe how the candidate does the job, instead of relying solely on their words.

Some candidates are very good at interviewing, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they will perform better at the job as well.

So your candidates can talk the talk. But can they walk the walk? The only way to find out is by giving them a work assignment!

How to apply these interview techniques today - it’s well worth it!

Okay, so I know what you’re thinking - preparing for the structured interview, carefully choosing the right behavioural interview questions, coming up with the appropriate work is a lot of work.
You’re absolutely right. This interview technique is more complicated than conducting a traditional interview. However, if you want to be the best, you need to invest some additional time and effort. This is the only way to the top.

Besides, it’s less time consuming than hiring the wrong candidate and then having to start your whole recruiting process all over again. Not to mention the incredibly high cost of making a bad hire!