Major Mistakes To Avoid In Job Interview By The Candidates

Major Mistakes To Avoid In Job Interview By The Candidates? 

IN THE JOB HIRING PROCESS, knowing what not to do in an interview is just as important as having a polished resume and strong references.

Like most interpersonal interactions, job interviews can be quite subjective. But experts have identified common interview mistakes that you must avoid to improve your chances of making a Great impression.

Here is the Key Points about the interview mistakes to avoid:

  1. Not Preparing yourselves for Interview

We must attend a job interview the way you would a test. It's important to study detailed information about the company where you are applying so you are ready to talk about how your skills are a good fit for its business.

To stand out from the pack, do enough research to be able to discuss the company's recent merger or new business model. It really shows your passion for the specific role and the company, and that's something that sets you apart.

Besides, preparing thoroughly may help calm your nerves. "You get confidence from competence,"


  1. Not doing research on your interviewer

Appearing for the interview armed with information about the person with whom you would be conversing. If possible, you may figure out a shared interest you can talk about to build rapport. Or you may find out that the interviewer has connections at one of your past employers to establish good repo with Interviewer.


  1. Not wearing the right Attire

As we already heard that  it's wrong to judge a book by its cover – but interviewers often do just that. Show up to your interview looking too informal, and you may make a bad impression before you even introduce yourself. Further, it also shows your intention and seriousness about this Job.


  1. Not being punctual 

Reaching a few minutes early at the venue about 10 minutes before serves two purposes. It proves that you are organized, reliable and eager. It also allows you to take some time to compose yourself, use the restroom and prepare for the impending conversation.

You could be tempted to arrive very early, but don't. It may inconvenience your interviewer.

Sometimes candidates show up a half hour early and it is irritating. It starts the interview off on the wrong foot. Instead you must sit in your car until five or 10 minutes before.


  1. Watching the Mobile during Interview

Even if you're simply checking the time or massage, stealing glances at your cell phone may come across as rude or shows that you can be easily distracted. Before you go into the interview room, turn off your devices and store them out of sight. You may be accustomed to taking notes on your phone, but in a job interview, use a pen and a paper notebook instead.


  1. Badmouthing about Previous Company

Nothing reveals a bad attitude like excessively criticizing your current or previous employers. Your interviewer will instantly wonder whether you would talk about him/her and his/her company that way if she hired you.


  1. Being personal with the interview

Using a friendly tone is nice, but it is important not to cross a line by sharing too much personal information. Remember, you never know how the person sitting across from you will react to a story about your weekend antics. You only get limited time with the interviewer, so stay focused on your professional accomplishments and the company's needs.


  1. Talking more about salary and benefits

Job candidates should never bring up the topic of salary first, because it puts them in a weaker negotiation position. Additionally, talking about it too early may give the impression that you're only interested in the job for its perks. So save this conversation for after you've been offered the job.


  1. Not telling the truth

This is always a bad idea. When the company discovers the truth, you'll be immediately disqualified from this job and likely all future opportunities. Sometimes we tell the false information and it conflict out other statements which shows that we told them a lie so even after having all the required Skills and Knowledge, we may lose the chances of selection due to lack of integrity.


  1. Unable sell yourself

Don’t be humble and assume the interviewer will remember every detail from your resume about the awards you have won or the sales goals you have exceeded. Women are especially prone to deflecting credit for their accomplishments and should practice explaining their qualifications and describing their talents.


  1. Talk very aggressivelyto sell yourself

It is a Big mistake to come on too strong. Don't brag to the point of arrogance, and don't try to dominate the conversation.

Some people, majorly in sales or marketing or who have stronger personalities, they try to take over the interview. They are controlling the situation too much. You want to vet the interviewer, but you can't give even a hint that you are doing so, because you may come across as an overbearing control freak


  1. Ignoring to ask questions

These days almost every interview will conclude with the interviewer asking, "Do you have any questions for me?"

Declining to take advantage of this opportunity is a "fatal mistake," It may send the message that you are not especially interested or that you arrogantly think you know everything there is to know about the company.


  1. Talking only all about you.

In an employer's perspective, the purpose of a job interview is to determine whether a candidate is a good match for the company's needs. That means your answers should focus on how the company will benefit from hiring you, not how you will benefit from getting the job. Rather we must try to show up the WIN-WIN situation and condition while working together.


  1. Showing Desperation or Anger

These traits of the Candidates are very unattractive to hiring managers. No matter how strongly you may dislike your current job or how intensely you desire to land a new position, keep your emotions in check at the interview.