Why New Employees are leaving these days very often?

Every entrepreneur wants to have the best employees in the company, and they do so many of interviews and research to have the perfect candidate for a role which is very particular or specific in your company.  When you welcome a new employee on board, you make them aware about your system, procedure and culture. Every employee who is entering into a new culture system our procedure must feel comfortable and safe.

So it’s the duty of an entrepreneur to make them feel good comfortable and safe while starting a new journey with your company.

Why did the employees need the organization within three months ?

The Job was offered was very strong and candidate past experience suggested that he/she is the right person for the job but what employers don’t realize that this is not the only winning formula for a good recruitment. The rest is the quality of your induction and thereafter what happens matters.


Difference between a Good induction and a Great induction?

A Good induction is to make the employee aware about the team, system and culture. Similarly, new sitting arrangement has been made, the Batches, Uniforms and Visiting Cards are ordered. New Agenda is prepared for a day or a month or a year. Targets has been assigned to them as per their profile and there are clear what they have to do in the coming days

Great induction can help employee a lot to understand expectation of the company for its goal so that they can relate their own goals with a growth of the company. In this way, Entrepreneur can make employee understand about what is needed from the employees and understand what they need from the company.

After giving such clarity, understanding become better and entrepreneur must consider the following while giving the induction to the new candidates;
1. Clear Vision.
2. Growth Path.
3. Incentive procedures and targets.
4. HR Policies.
5. Ownership and Responsibility for their work.
6. Authority to take the quick decision if required.